A Professional’s Desk Accessory Set Plus Six Great Utilities.
How often have you been in the middle of a big, complex document and found that you needed to run a quick pie chart?
Perhaps you had to make a quick note about something. Maybe you remembered you needed to check your mail on CompuServe.
Your only choice has been to quit what you're doing, go to the Finder and open up a chart program or communications or word processing program.
Or… you could do it all from the DA menu with MockPackage Plus.
Need to make a quick note about tomorrow’s meeting? Need to quickly compose a letter while your thoughts are fresh. Think you’ll be adding to it throughout the day?
The Apple Notepad just doesn't have the power you need.
MockWrite does.
MockWrite lets you create, edit, read, paste and print text files. On the fly… anytime, anywhere.
While using any application, you can jot notes, look things up and revise documents.
Like we said… handy!
Use MockWrite to make “To Do Lists”, take phone notes or even document programs while they’re running.
You can instantly print your MockWrite notes or… copy them to the clipboard to use them in another program.
Just pull down the Apple menu and get to work.
Need to check mail on CompuServe but don't want to leave your current program?
Do you need some text transfered to a remote computer?
How about simple communications. Do you need a simple dumb terminal quickly?
Let MockTerminal do it for you!
Since it's a desk accessory, you can open it, dial it and send it without leaving your program.
What's more, if the file takes a while to send, you can go back to work and let MockTerminal do its work while you do your work! It works in the background on many programs.
MockTerminal isn't limited to text files, though. Since it uses “Xmodem and MacBinary” protocols, it can send any kind of file, regardless of type … conveniently, quickly, easily.
Don't worry about frequently called numbers. MockTerminal holds seven phone numbers that can be dialed with a click.
It works well in reverse too. Anything you receive can be copied into the clipboard or saved and dealt with later.
Clipboard text can be pasted through the terminal program, rather than typing it live.
It's not fancy and it’s not full of exotic features, but as a good, convenient communications program, it can't be beat.
Sometimes getting a document to paper can be the slowest thing you'll do all day.
Suppose you had a long text file that you had to have a copy of. You can open MacWrite‚Ñ¢ or Word and print it, while you wait (and wait, and wait).
Or, you could use MockPrinter and let it all happen with lightning speed while you go about your business.
MockPrinter can handle either a LaserWriter‚Ñ¢ or ImageWriter‚Ñ¢ with equal ability.
It works in the background; you don't have to leave your current program. There is no limit to the size of the text file you can print.
Just look at the control it gives you over those text files.
Select characters per inch, add a header at the top of each page, print multiple copies, select paper sizes, tabs and more.
Having this kind of control over text printing is phenomenal!
And what really counts is the speed and the time you save. Because all this happens in the background.
Working diligently on a spreadsheet or just crunching a few numbers?
Want to know how they look graphically?
Need to make some comparisons?
The best way is with a chart. You could always quit what you're doing and open up a sophisticated chart program.
Or, you could open MockChart and see it instantly.
But once you're through looking at your handy chart, what do you do? With MockChart, you could paste them into any number of programs.
In fact, if you're working in a page layout or word processor, MockChart is invaluable.
It quickly and easily formulates and pastes all kinds of charts. Basic pie charts, bar charts, line charts, Hi-Lo-Close. So you can make charts for anything… stocks, profit and loss, etc.
Did you ever enter a bunch of numbers and wonder how they would look when you got around to charting them?
MockChart lets you flip back and forth between numbers and charts in an instant!
MockChart let's you plot up to three columns of 100 numbers. Changing chart size is easy, too. Just grab the sizing box and resize them the way you want them.
In addition to the four outstanding MOCKPACKAGE desk accessories this value-packed disk contains four great utilities… including the one you've all been “Aasking” for…
How often have you needed more memory and found your Macintosh loaded with Inits, Startup Devices, etc.? We've solved that problem for you.
With Aask, you can selectively turn on and off Startup Utilities such as: Inits, Control Panel Devices and Chooser Devices.
Do you constantly find yourself using one Control Panel Device (cdev) all the time (like QuicKeys), but have to scroll through a bunch of them to get to the one you want?
Control-1 enables you to specify which cdev is active when the Control Panel is opened.
When using AppleShare, it's easy to forget to set privileges when creating a new folder on an AppleShare volume. FolderShare remembers for you. It automatically creates folders with your most often used privilege settings.
Do you ever get tired of holding down the mouse button to get menu items to drop down? Do you think you could really speed things up if you didn't have to work that way?
We think so.
Updated and rewritten as a Control Panel Device, EZ-Menu lets your mouse automatically pull down the menus when the cursor is moved into the menu area. It has also been enhanced to include keyboard control of menus.
Most people find they work significantly faster with EZ Menu.
A desk accessory that monitors PostScript‚Ñ¢ printers. Lets you reset, download fonts and get info on things like memory, fonts and more. Lets you know who's using the LaserWriter‚Ñ¢, too.
A potpourri of useful utility functions. Disable laser startup page, convert PICT to Paint (or vice versa), create custom startup screens, print laser thumbnails of all Paint files, change System heap size, reset the date and time and much more. Like we said… a bunch of handy utilities.
Sure, you could use Excel™ or Cricket Graph™. And… yes… Red Ryder™ is a fine program. You’ve seen any number of word processors.
But have you ever had them all available from the Desk Accessory menu? Have you ever been able to use them without quitting the program you’re in?
Probably not.
With the outstanding MockPackage DAs, you’ll be able to perform basic tasks with ease and speed.
And with all the new additions your Mac will become a fully customized, high-performance machine.
“… not only do you get MockWrite, MockPrinter, MockTerminal and MockChart, but the truly amazing and wonderful EZ-Menu which is worth the price of admission all by itself.”- MacA.P.P.L.E., February 1987
“MockWrite is a workhorse. It isn't fancy, but it does its job dependably and well.”- MacNews Business Journal, August 1987
96 Rating -
“MockPackage is a very handy set of desk accessories that everyone should own.”- Dale Turner, MacGuide Magazine
All these ratings and quotes refer to the original MOCKPACKAGE Plus. This new version adds even more versatility and functionality to an already great package.
Requirements: System 4.2 or above, Macintosh 512E or above.
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MOCKPACKAGE Plus Utilities
Productivity; Integrated (desk accessories).
MockPackage Plus Utilities includes MockTerminal‚Ñ¢, MockWrite‚Ñ¢, MockPrinter‚Ñ¢, MockChart‚Ñ¢, LaserStatus‚Ñ¢, FolderShare‚Ñ¢, Aask‚Ñ¢, Control-1‚Ñ¢, EZ-Menu‚Ñ¢ and Widgets‚Ñ¢.
MockTerminal - A complete, simple-to-use, terminal package in a desk accessory. It provides such features as a seven-number phone book, automatic redialing of busy numbers, 300/1200/2400 baud operation, sending and recording ASCII and “XModem/MacBinary” file transfer. Uses 14K of disk space.
MockWrite - A small text editor (28K file limit) in a desk accessory. It allows you to read and write text files, make changes, perform searches and print. You can adjust the size of the editing window at will and use the scroll bar to page through the text. Uses 12K of disk space.
MockPrinter - A desk accessory that will print text files in the background. There’s no limit to the length of a file it can print. Uses 8K of disk space.
MockChart - A desk accessory which converts tables into line, bar, pie or Hi-Lo charts. Uses Clipboard to copy whole tables or graphs between programs. Uses 17K of disk space.
LaserStatus - A desk accessory which downloads multiple Postscript fonts and programs to the printer, resets the printer and checks its status and memory usage. Uses 20K of disk space.
FolderShare - A utility for users of AppleShare and other AFP-based file servers. It’s used to change the defaults for folder access privileges when new folders are created on the file server. Uses 6K of disk space.
Aask - A utility program which will selectively turn on and off startup utilities such as INITs, Control Panel Devices and Chooser Devices. Uses 11K of disk space.
Control-1 - A utility to let you decide which Control Panel Device appears first when the Control Panel is opened. Uses 3K of disk space.
EZ-Menu - A program that provides an alternative to the conventional Macintosh interface by offering a phantom finger for drop-down menus. Uses 9K of disk space.
Widgets - A plethora of different utility functions allowing you to select special paper sizes for ImageWriter printers, create custom startup screens, convert PICT files to Paint files, print thumbnail catalogs of Paint files on the LaserWriter and more. Uses 57K of disk space.
An easy-to-read manual includes chapters on each of the individual programs.
Support is provided free to all registered users. The Support Department is available from 9:00 am to
5:00 pm, Central Time, Monday through Friday,
at (515) 224-1995.
MockPackage Plus Utilities version 4.4 works on any Apple® Macintosh® 512 or greater. Printers: ImageWriter™, ImageWriter II, or LaserWriter™.
Donald Brown
Target Markets:
Horizontal, all users of Macintosh.
Suggested retail price: $49.95
MockPackage Plus Utilities is not copy-protected. It is available through dealers and distributors
All CE Software products are sold satisfaction guaranteed or money back.
MockPackage, MockTerminal, MockWrite, MockPrinter, MockChart, LaserStatus, Aask, EZ-Menu, FolderShare and Widgets are trademarks of CE Software, Inc. Apple, Macintosh, ImageWriter, AppleShare and LaserWriter are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.